Leadership Matters

Leadership occurs on many levels and is always needed. But, particularly during times of uncertainty, there is a greater need for good leaders. During this period of the COVID-19 crisis, leaders have a major role in establishing the direction, setting the vision, and moving others through this pandemic. This process has proven to be very challenging. The difficulty of getting a group of individuals to comply with policy or unite their efforts to accomplish a common task is hard enough. But, when you add in other variables such as health, fear, the economy, and politics it becomes even more difficult. Nonetheless, good leaders know that people need and are looking for guidance and direction. Most of all, they need to feel confident with his or her level of knowledge about the issue and believe that the proposed plan of action will work.

Do you think a leader's integrity and subject matter knowledge will impact those they lead? What if he or she cannot convincingly vision cast or create a trusting environment for people as they work towards reaching these goals? It is a well-known fact that ineffective leaders who lack confidence in their ability will have difficulty leading. Also, any leader who fails to consider the mindset of the people and the ability level of those they are leading will be ineffective and will struggle to move them forward. On the other hand, good leaders are confident that they can do the job, confident in their plan of action, and confident that they can equip others to reach the set goals. How are you leading those who are looking to you for guidance?

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